Monday, September 29, 2014

The Revival Fellowship meeting on 9-27-14 began with Don Jacobs sharing from Psalm 86:11

“Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will  walk  in  your truth;  give  me  an   undivided heart that I may fear Your name” then he led in prayer.

Wayne Lawton led us in Jeremy Camp’s song “Give me Jesus”. Then he shared from 1 John 1:7 “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, purifies us from all sin” and Colossians 2:6 “As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk you in Him” –confessing, repenting, believing and rejoicing ! Don added words he had heard at O’hare Airport in Chicago “Keep walking, keep walking, keep walking” !

Jean Griswold spoke about her life – coming to Christ in her teens – later she attended a Conference at Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (WEC) in Fort Washington, Penna. where she met English brethren, African brethren and Erma Maust ! Jean said  “I know I am a sinner and Jesus died for me. How can we keep this good news to ourselves?” Then from Psalm 73 she high-lighted verse 23 “Nevertheless I am always with you. You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel and afterward you will take me in to glory”! We sang “Glory, glory, hallelujah, glory, glory to the Lamb for the cleansing blood has reached me, glory, glory to the Lamb”!  ( in English, Luganda, and Kiswahili).

We had expected to hear Tefiro & Deborah Kisosonkole – but their daughter Druscilla was on a business trip and her plane was delayed in returning and so she was unable to bring her parents. They called and extend greetings from the revival fellowship in Kampala, UGANDA.

Catherine Longenecker spoke of ‘angels’ watching over their children as they were traveling this weekend. Arlene Stauffer led in a prayer for Elam, her brother in law who is in the hospital in Columbus, Ohio  because of heart issues. Prayer was offered for Don Jacobs who is facing some skin cancer surgery;   for Dan Longenecker’s weakness in his legs;  for Jean Griswold’s hearing loss. While this fellowship has not focused on the physical healing ministry of Jesus – we believe He is the same “yesterday, today, forever”! Rose Mbugua (Kenyan from Balto. Fellowship) led in prayers. Agnes Bamu-wamye (Ugandan from Phila. Fellowship) sang “Praise Him” and we sang along with her.

Our next meeting will be on January 10th,, 2015 with Dan Longenecker and a group of ten persons speaking “Scripture From The Heart” !

Here is a photo of some of us leaving the meeting.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

You are cordially invited to attend the Revival Fellowship Meeting on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 10 a.m.   The meeting will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 100 Quarry Road, Leola, PA 17540. You will hear testimonies given by Tefiro & Deborah Kisosonkole from Kampala, Uganda and also Jean Griswold from Lititz, PA

These meetings began in Eastern Pennsylvania in 1949 and have continued to the present. Missionaries returning from East Africa testified to a renewal of their Christian faith. What they shared inspired people in many denominations and so the fellowship continues.

A book has been written about the influence of the East Africa Revival - especially among the Mennonites. Dr. Richard MacMaster with co-author Dr. Don Jacobs wrote "A Gentle Wind of God". It is available on

For more information about this September meeting contact Pastor Wayne Lawton in Elizabethtown at 717-361-8990, or Paul Burkholder in Lititz 717-581-3964 or Tom Hess in Harrisburg 717-756-7921

About those sharing testimony :

 Tefiro & Deborah Kisosonkole are part of the Revival Fellowship that meets at Namirembe Cathedral in Kampala. They were close friends of the late William & Sala Nagenda. They are presently visiting their daughter, Druscilla and her husband, Paul Senkungu and daughters, Peace, Joy & Grace. They will be returning to Uganda the second week of October. We welcome them here.

 Jean Griswold has been part of this fellowship in Eastern Pennsylvania since 1953. She thinks she is getting old – but we tell her, “No, just older” – “old is up ahead yet !!!” This picture of her was taken in 2005 as she visited Lawton’s to encourage Wayne on his first trip to East Africa.