Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oct. 1 Fellowship at Forest Hills

Report of Oct. 1, 2011: Wayne Lawton

It’s getting more and more difficult to write these reports because it seems like every meeting is better than the last and how do you capture the “glory” of the Lord that shines on people’s faces and sings and speaks through their voices.

I led the singing and played the piano and I felt especially animated (is that a good word?) but it was just the joy of the Lord bouncing in my fingers as we sang “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord”; “I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart”; “Lift Jesus higher”; “How Great Thou Art”; “But when He saved my soul, cleansed and made me whole, it took a miracle of love and grace”.

Don Jacobs led with a devotional from Matthew 17 – telling about the transfiguration and how Jesus was exalted above Moses and Elijah – and the cloud came and a voice spoke “This is my beloved Son, hear Him”. Then the disciples in the valley couldn’t cast the demon out of a boy. Jesus simply told them “Bring the boy here to Me”. Don explained that we may not have a boy needing deliverance – but whatever our need, Jesus is saying to us “Bring the NEED here, to ME”. Don copied Oswald Chambers “My Utmost” for October 8th – because the theme was, “Come to me, and I will give you rest”.

Don introduced John & Irene Smucker – they prayed and then gave their story: He grew up in Bird in Hand, PA. John told how they had been touched by revival many times. At the Maple Grove Church Kenneth Good came and preached. At age 19, John, went forward and was saved. Irene (Yoder) Smucker then spoke, she grew up in a farming family. She had 4 older brothers. At first she attended a one room school with mostly Amish students. Then the family moved to Berks County and she was the only Mennonite girl in the school there. She was baptized in the Oley Church but she struggled to live the Christian life.

She began to date Alvin Nissley who had just accepted the Lord. His life was a spiritual challenge to her. But he died in a tragic accident. Later she met John who asked her to marry him. She waited one week to say YES – then one year later they were married.

Then John spoke again “I was not trained in Urban Ministry but the church sent us to plant a church in New York City. It was not easy. If you smiled at people they thought you were ‘nuts’. Another revival was when Billy Graham came to Madison Square Garden for 16 weeks. We served as counselors and in the choir. Our church work didn’t go very well – we only had an average of 12 persons on Sunday.

On May 30,1958 Roy Hession came. Later Joe Church came. Erma Maust was a tenacious person. These people spoke of personal revival. Irene spoke: We were always overwhelmed with lack of funds. Erma Maust came and helped paint their apartment – and then talked about “walking in the light”. She prayed with us and taught us to repent. She came 9 times in 1959.

John mentioned that they had a fellowship meeting at their church on Jan. 31, 1959 and 80 people came. I prayed “Lord, warm my heart”. He began meeting with Glenn Zeager, Paul Burkholder, John Freed for fellowship. This was good and we should have continued to meet – but at times we didn’t.

12 years later I took a 10 month sabbatical at Union Theological Seminary and got a Master’s Degree. The charismatic movement appeared and God met me in my bedroom. I didn’t speak in Pennsylvania Dutch, or in Greek or in Hebrew, but in PRAISE to God!

Irene: Our family grew – we had 3 sons and a daughter. Our church grew in numbers. A number of young volunteers came. The community changed – middle class families began to move away and poorer people came. There were racial tensions. I began to feel depleted, physically, emotionally, spiritually. At school our children couldn’t even go to the bathroom – there was so much violence – they waited til they got home. I tried to teach our sons to trust in the Lord. I prayed for healing and God healed me. I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit – there was joy and scripture came alive again. Isa. 43:1-3 and 43:18 “forget the former things” I walked to church without fear.

John: We left the Bronx in 1979. I taught at Elim Bible Institute. Then we moved back to NYC to start a church in Queens. Sept. 11, 2001 was a terrible time. I asked the Lord “why did this happen?” – and the answer that came to me was “Because America has gotten away from the Lord”. All week long people came to church. I enjoyed leading people to Christ. There is such joy in leading people to Jesus.

The service was opened for testimonies: Mary Lou Lawton shared how God had protected her when they lived in Washington, DC (she could identify with Irene Smucker). Betty Miller gave a word from Philippians to Irene “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure”. Ellin Brubaker read from Psalm 82 in The Living Bible – this still speaks to her again and again. Gad Kimani brought greetings from the revival fellowship in Baltimore. He came to receive a word from the Lord today and God had spoken to him. Nancy Longenecker is a two time survivor of cancer and she mentioned Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him”. Ruth Sentz believes we are in the ‘last days’. She wants to keep her ‘first love’for Jesus. Mahlon Hess spoke of his wife, Mary , who suffered a stroke and how she looks forward to his visits every day. Ed Kurtz had known John Smucker in earlier times and enjoyed hearing him today. Marian Heisey said many things but spoke of something that helps people stop smoking. Glenn Stauffer told how his children cover him with prayer – and he has been healed in his back and in his eye. We gave the Lord applause !

In conclusion we laid hands on each other and prayed for each other to be healed and helped in whatever way we have need. To God be the glory ! Wayne Lawton, reporter

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome to Oct. 1, 2011 Fellowship Time

Dear Fellowship Friends,

It was really interesting - last week I was reading in the book, "A Gentle Wind of God", - and I noticed John Smucker's name appeared several times. I had met him in the 1960's when Mary Lou and I went to New York City for a fellowship meeting at Glenn & Florence Zeager's - but we haven't kept in touch. Imagine my surprise when I saw the picture of John & Irene Smucker in the Intelligencer Journal/New Era on Saturday, September 10th. They were recalling events of that fateful day, September 11, 2001 in New York City. I spoke to Paul Burkholder - because he and Miriam spent a number of years pastoring in New York City - and asked him about John Smucker. His reply was "I will see him tomorrow". So Paul asked John and Irene to consider sharing testimony of their walk with God at our October 1st Revival Fellowship at Forest Hills. So we are looking forward to reuniting in fellowship with the Smucker's. Don Jacobs will bring a devotional from the Word of God. Come and hear the Smucker's share what Jesus means to them. And after they have spoken you could share what Jesus means to you.

We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 100 Quarry Rd, Leola, PA on October 1, 2011 at 10 a.m. There will be a noon meal for $6.00.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Windows into the July 9th Revival Fellowship in Pennsylvania

Report of the July 9th Revival Fellowship held at Forest Hills Church fellowship hall in Leola. Pennsylvania

As we gathered Lamar Stoltzfus was playing inspirational music on the piano. We opened the service with Willie and Rodi Longenecker leading us in singing “I love to tell the story” – and I especially like the last verse that says “for those who know it best, seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest”. That is so true – those who gathered were believers and have heard the gospel – most of us all of our lives – but we like to hear it again. Willie read from 2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” He spoke about some of the people who had influenced him away from legalistic Christianity to the way of grace. He mentioned attending the Hamilton Street Church in Harrisburg many years ago hearing Elam Stauffer and Festo Kivengere. He could never forget the word of God’s grace through these two men. Later he spoke of his Uncle Sam Longenecker (father of Erma Maust) and how his life had impacted him in his early years. Rodi shared how she had grown up in Philadelphia in a Christian home. Her mother, Miriam Weaver Stoltzfus, came with them today. (She often attends these meetings). Rodi was so thankful for her father and mother – and that later she met Willie at school and they were married and have lived 42 years in Canada. She quoted Psalm 16:6 “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance” Willie & Rodi sang some special songs and then gave a power point presentation of beautiful pictures – and they sang hymns of praise as the pictures were being shown – a very worshipful experience !

Following this we stood and sang “When I see the blood I will pass over you”. Wayne Lawton showed a miniature door that Harold and Miriam Housman had given for use in their Day Care – it has red paint on it – to symbolize the “blood on the doorpost”. Wayne told about a child who knows the story of the Passover and knows that song. But in the Day Care this week he was crying almost constantly. He wanted to be at home – but his Dad brought him to be at the Day Care. If playing in the back yard was suggested – he wanted to be in the front yard. If playing with this toy, No, he wanted that toy. He would not be happy – and continued crying much of the time. It was frustrating to say the least. Wayne spoke to him harshly and asked him to stop crying – but this didn’t work. He asked if he wanted to play outside – No , he didn’t. Later Wayne prayed and broke before the Lord confessing his own frustration and anger and asked God to intervene. Then he said to the little boy “Did you know that the sin that took Jesus to the cross was each of us wanting to have our own way” and he quoted Isa. 53:6. Then he asked the boy “Would you like to tell God that you like to have your own way?” The boy nodded in the affirmative – and he did. Then Wayne said, “Now would you like to thank Jesus?” His reply was “No, I want to go out to play” and he jumped down from the couch and went out to play with the other children and was happy the rest of the day ! Does the blood of Jesus cleanse even little children when they confess their sin of wanting their own way !!!! What a Savior !!!! And he cleanses the hearts of Day Care providers who get frustrated !

As introductions were being made (people give their name and where they are from) Janice Hess asked to share this testimony: In their ministry her husband, Pastor Tom Hess, had placed his hands on a youths head and shoulders in a fatherly way – but the youth resented it and reported it to the police and Tom was charged with this “crime”. Their church hired the best lawyer – but they were not trusting in the lawyer – they were trusting in the Lord. And the Lord spoke to Janice through the Psalms “Awake and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and my Lord. Vindicate me in your righteousness….may those who delight in my vindication shout for joy”. And Tom was pronounced “not guilty” of a crime. Tom and Janice are both praising the Lord for this deliverance.

Betty Miller (now age 96) shared how she had recently led three 17 year old Chinese students in saying “the sinners prayer”. John Graybill had brought his brother in law, Mahlon Hess – and they were both praising the Lord. Several Kenyan’s from Baltimore shared praise to the Lord. Rose Mbugua, who is from Nakuru, Kenya – but now staying with her son in Baltimore – said she was so happy when Elizabeth Ngethe received the letter announcing this fellowship. She said, “I didn’t know the revival fellowship was also here in America – so I said to Elizabeth, let’s go – and here we are”. Rose was full of praise to Jesus ! Lydia Muikia praised God for helping her to pass the test to be an Occupational Therapist. Collins Muikia (age 10) praised God that he graduated from elementary school. Samuel Muikia led all those from Kenya in singing a song about the woman at the well and how the “water of life” that Jesus gave her, filled her with such joy that she went back in to town sharing the good news about Jesus.

Don Jacobs shared about the upcoming meeting in Turkhana, Kenya in August – and asked for prayer for this outreach. Anthony Wachira led in prayer and we sang “Glory, glory, hallelujah, glory, glory to the Lamb, for the cleansing blood has reached me, glory, glory to the Lamb”!!! HE IS WORTHY !!! Becky Maust Kurtz presented a wonderful noon meal. Elizabeth Ngethe had prepared “uji”- a porridge made of millet (very familiar breakfast food in Kenya) and we all got to try it – many for the first time!

Wayne D. Lawton, reporter

Wayne D. Lawton, pastor
Cedar Hill Community Church
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Home/Office 717-361-8990

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Longeneckers at Forest Hills Mennonite Church

You are invited to hear Willie & Rodi Longenecker of Morson, Ontario, Canada, Saturday, July 9, 2011. They will be speaking and singing at the quarterly meeting of the revival fellowship held in the fellowship hall of the Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 100 Quarry Road, Leola, PA 17540. Worship will begin at 10 a.m. with Ernie Lightner (guitar). Then Willie & Rodi will share testimonies and sing. Opportunity will be given for others to share. A noon meal prepared by Becky Maust Kurtz will be served ($6). For directions to the church check map quest.

For more information call Wayne & Mary Lou Lawton 717-361-8990

or e-mail them at in Elizabethtown area

Tom & Sheila Hess in Harrisburg area 756-7921

Paul & Miriam Burkholder in Lancaster area 368-0823

Next Revival Fellowship Meeting: October 1st, 2011

Check the revival website:

This fellowship developed as missionaries returned from East Africa in the 1950's with renewed spiritual life. You can read about this in the book "A Gentle Wind of God" available through

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Remembering "Soldiers of the Cross" on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is Monday, May 30, 2011. It is fitting for us to remember "soldiers of the Cross" such as Festa Kivengere, John Wilson, Roy Hession, Erma Maust. Mary Lou and I recently visited Landis Homes and I spoke with Allen Shirk. He told me that when he and his wife were serving as missionaries in India Festo Kivengere and Joe Church came as a team - and they were such a blessing. Willie Longenecker who will be sharing his testimony with us on July 9 at Forest Hills Church has told me what a great blessing Festo Kivengere was in his early Christian life. What a blessing to have known these "soldiers" and to follow in their train "Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith"

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Quarterly Fellowship, Forest Hills Church, March 26

After a meaningful quarterly fellowship meeting March 26, 2011, a few gathered outside the church for a formal picture! Left to right, Wayne Lawton, Josphat Yego, Justus Miwanda, William Rukirande and Don Jacobs.

Our theme was, "Those who love the Lord spoke often one to another." So that is exactly what we did, for God's glory and our edification.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A note from Brother Eliud

March 20, 2011

Dear Brethren,

For the last ten years, we, the East African Revival Fellowship, Rift Valley Province, Kenya, brethren have been conducting a Mission week in Turkana during the month of August.

We have evangelised at Lodwar Town, Kalokol, Lomil, Nakitokion, Loroo and Nouting.

At Lomil, Loroo and Nakitokion area we are working with Rev. David Nakain (cell phone No +254727101529) of Africa Inland Church Kenya and also the area Assistant Bishop who has started churches under trees, also Schools and a dispensary. The school at Lomil is now up to class four (4) with two untrained teachers and the rest are nursery schools.

In the year 2009 we gave uniforms to 208 school children and we are planning to give out 300 uniforms to the children each estimated to cost Shs. 600/= and food and other cloths. We will also visit another area called Lokichar for the first time.

Please pray with us that the Lord will open ways and provides for these needs.

Praise the Lord.
Brother Eliud Muikia Njuguna
Naivasha, Kenya.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 26 fellowship meeting at Forest Hills Mennonite Church

You are invited to attend the Revival Fellowship Meeting on Saturday, March 26, 2011. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. at the Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 100 Quarry Road, Leola, PA 17540 (Check mapquest for directions). A noon meal will be served ($6). Testimonies will be shared by Justus Miwanda, an ordained Anglican priest from Kampala, Uganda and Irene Weaver Maust Clark of Depoe Bay, Oregon. Justus Miwanda is the Executive Director of International Needs Network - Uganda. He will give his personal testimony and also tell of his ministry to almost 2,000 students in Uganda. He is married to Deborah and they have three children. Irene Weaver Maust Clark, grew up in Lancaster and Dauphin Counties. She now lives with her husband, Dr. Grant Clark in Oregon but is presently visiting her parents, Luke & Edna Weaver in Elizabethtown. She will give personal testimony and tell how her former mother-inlaw, the late Erma Maust, influenced her Christian walk. This fellowship which meets quarterly was started in Central Pennsylvania as a result of missionaries from several denominations returning from East Africa with renewed faith. For more information you may call Wayne & Mary Lou Lawton in the Elizabethtown area at 717-361-8990 or Tom & Sheila Hess in the Harrisburg area at 756-7921, or Paul & Miriam Burkholder in the Lancaster area at 368-0823

Wayne D. Lawton, pastor
Cedar Hill Community Church
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Home/Office 717-361-8990

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 8 meeting in a gentle snow

Report of the January 8, 2011 meeting. Some snow began to fall about 8:30 a.m. but it was a light snow and the roads remained clear and passable. Two car loads came from Baltimore, MD. Marlin & Rosie Givens arrived early from Palmyra. They led in music as we opened our time together. Rosie plays the accordion so beautifully. We sang “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand” and “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine”.

Eliud Muikia was introduced and he spoke. “I was a sinner. I was saved on June 13, 1967. Jesus came in to my life. I had just gotten married. I regret not serving the Lord earlier. The brethren in the revival fellowship helped me to put things right. I serve on a team that plans conventions in East Africa. We are planning one in Kigali, Rwanda so that brethren from Burundi will come. The Word from the team meeting last year was Jeremiah 2:2 “I remem-ber your earlier love”. This Word gets spread to all the smaller fellowships – so that we are all thinking along the same lines. In May 2010 we were in Gahini – where Joe Church lived. We were there to celebrate the great work God has done in the East Africa Revival.

Today let us look at the Word in John 12:20 The Greeks came to Philip and said, “Sir, we would see Jesus”. People will see Jesus if we are faithful. Jesus did not wait for me to be clean. He embraced me as I was. There was a man in Nakuru who had dressed for church. He left his house before his wife. As he walked across the yard the septic system gave way and he dropped into the muck of the septic system. Neighbors saw this and called for help. He was pulled out by firefighters – but he was a filthy mess – but when his wife, who was also dressed for church, came out the door and saw his rescue she threw her arms around him, just as he was! Such love ! The world is sunk into the septic pit. Faithful men are needed who can embrace them. If we are faithful the world can see Jesus in us. Boundaries were broken in the revival (racial, social boundaries) Now it seems they are building up again here with Kenya churches and Uganda churches separate from American churches. The fields are ripe. The Muslims are tired of a merciless god. I held a good position at work – but when I was saved I returned things I had taken – and risked losing my job – but God honored me. The world can see Jesus in us if we are being faithful to God.

Marlin & Rosie Givens again led us in songs and Rosie played a solo on her accordion. We sang the words with her playing “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me” – this was so appropriate after Eliud’s word on “seeing Jesus” . Marlin then spoke “God answers prayer. My first wife died in 2006. I continued in Bible reading and prayer but I began to feel lonely, ‘Lord, I want a Christian lady, one who can help in ministry, who can play an instrument’. Then Rosie spoke “I was married for 40 years but my husband died in 1999. I remarried but my second husband died in 2005. I had a dog, Molly, and I loved her but I couldn’t carry on a conversation with her. I was feeling lonely on my Ohio farm and began praying for a husband, a minister or a even a missionary. I was ready for a change”. Marlin spoke “I was praying but felt God wanted me to take some steps toward them being answered. Someone said “God doesn’t move parked cars”. My brother suggested that I look at e-harmony –a Christian Internet website. They ask for your priorities. I wanted to serve the Lord, help others, and minister in music”. Rosie spoke “I contacted e-harmony but most of the men were in their 80’s or 90’s. My priorities were God first, then finding someone younger than me. Then Marlin’s name was given – and he was younger than me – and he wanted a wife who could play the accordion.”

They began to talk on the phone – they liked many of the same things – it was amazing. They prayed together over the phone. Then they met. Marlin stayed in a motel for 2 weeks. He thought Rosie was beautiful and he really liked her and they had so much in common, he said “‘Let’s go’ - you know how men are”. Rosie said “‘You know how women are’ – give me some time”. It wasn’t easy to leave her home of 49 years – and Marlin did not want to move. Rosie said, “The story of Ruth comforted me – she left her homeland to go with Naomi”. When Rosie visited Marlin she just loved Pennsylvania – the mountains and sight-seeing. On Sept. 28, 07 they were married in Rosie’s church in Ohio. They love living together at Lebanon Valley Brethren Home – and they minister each week in Joyful Sounds on Fri. and Scripture & Song on Sundays.

Becky Maust Kurtz introduced Ernie Lightner from Canton, Ohio. They had met at Becky’s church here and fallen in love and they are now engaged. Ernie said, “If you need a companion it’s obvious… Ohio is a good place to find one.” Ernie led us in “Lord I lift your name on high” and accompanied on his guitar.

These reports can only touch the ‘tip of the iceberg’ so to speak. So much is shared with feeling and emotion – and it’s hard to capture and pass on the joy of a fellowship meeting. But we had joy! After the noon meal (pre-pared by Becky) there was more sharing. David & Grace Shenk shared about their time in China. Millions of be-lievers are in the underground church in China. Grace spoke at a womens meeting and led a lady to personal faith in Christ. Tom & Janice Hess shared a situation that had required great patience. Tom wasn’t so assured he was patient – but Janice testified “Yes, he was” and she was praising the Lord for seeing Jesus in her husband. Wayne Lawton shared how God had changed his attitude about having dogs come with their family for Christmas – and also how God cleansed him of a self-righteous spirit.