Monday, April 15, 2013

April 13, 2013 Fellowship gathering at Forest Hills Church

April 13, 2013  

As I begin to write the report of the meeting today here’s ‘a take’ from Don Jacobs  book “What a Life.”  I say “What a Meeting”! We truly had a fellowship meeting. I came home thinking that these meetings are like my relationship with Mary Lou – they just keep getting better and better! 

The last meeting was wonderful and you would think “could we ever have a better meeting” then you come home thinking, “yes, I think we did !” But it’s just a testimony to the freshness of fellowship with Jesus. In fact, today we sang “Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.” We started singing “Jesus, the very thought of Thee with sweetness fills my breast, but sweeter far Thy face to see and in Thy presence rest.” The announcement said Bible stories shared from the heart will keep you awake! 

Today one brother put that to the test: Marlin Fahnestock was up at 4 a.m. to help his son but later called to say he could attend this meeting. As Dan & Catherine Longenecker shared from the gospel of John and also from 1st Peter, and Glenn Stauffer shared from Matt. 26:36-46 giving Bible stories from their hearts –not just memorized but internalized, Marlin said “I didn’t go to sleep”. Wayne responded by saying, “I’ve read 1st Peter  but never felt like I ever heard Peter preach, until today.”  

Marlin Ressler quoted G. Campbell Morgan in saying “it’s not how much scripture you go through but how much scripture goes through you that makes the difference!   John Maust gave words of encouragement from scripture too.

Roger Hornberger is claiming healing for several health issues. Anna Ruth Ressler testified that during some low times physically she rested fully in the love of Jesus and He carried her through victoriously! Betty Miller testified. Wayne mentioned that Chuck Higgins in Sun City, AZ had sent a testimony via e-mail last week that really spoke volumes. Chuck’s wife, Marge, passed away in November so he is now a widower. When he would go to church or be with his Christian friends he would wonder “Why didn’t they ask me 'How are you doing now, without Marge, Chuck?'” And he would have an empty feeling. But the Lord convicted him of self-pity and said “Am I not enough, Chuck. You still have ME?” As he repented, the Lord filled him with His love and he is rejoicing even when people forget to ask how he’s doing! How many times do we feel “nobody noticed me,” “nobody spoke to me!” And then people wonder, do Christians need to repent of anything ? When we are honest there are many things we need to turn back to God with.

Dan said he thought after he became a Christian he wouldn't need to repent any more, he could just tell others to repent. Then he heard the missionaries who returned from East Africa talk about the need for repentance in the Christian life. Catherine shared how Erma Maust helped her when she was still single in NYC, teaching her to pray honestly. She also shared how fearful she used to be and didn't want Dan to leave her home alone with the children (in Harrisburg) but one evening after Dan left to serve at church peace came over her from head to toe and she felt like there were 12 angels in the room. When Dan returned he asked her how she was. She told him of this wonderful experience that she just couldn't explain. Then Dan told her that before he left for church he had gone to the bedroom and kneeling prayed “O God, give Catherine Your peace and take away her fear”.  How can anyone say that the day of miracles is past when you hear such things as this !

At the very beginning of this meeting Gad and Anne Gigonyo told of their wedding in Kenya (in December). They and others from the fellowship in Baltimore (the younger generation) said how they love to come to the fellowship in Pennsylvania to see and hear the older saints testify. 

Betty Miller is a "keenager" at 97. Simeon Hurst will be 100 on April 29 and Laura Kurtz had shared a report from Simeon’s daughter asking the fellowship to send birthday cards to him. John Graybill gave testimony today (he is in mid 90’s) and his wife, Elizabeth is 99.  Their faith is being renewed and they sound so young!

Anna Jean Dorwart offered a prayer for her sister in-law, Ruth Lentz who just had hip surgery. Nathan Hege prayed for Yosef Haileselassie who is in Ephrata Hospital.

Before we took the offering, Anna Ruth Jacobs shared that we have received several money gifts by mail  from Dorothy Stover in Alabama, Glenn Galfano in Illinois, and Betty (Mrs. Ernie) Gilmore in Florida. They all appreciate reading the testimonies shared at these meetings!

Miriam Maust Achenbach, Todd Saltzer and Michael & Collins Muikia gave testimonies. Samuel Muikia told how he was unwilling to come today – but he did choose to come – and Wayne commented “and Erma didn’t teach him that (to pray I am not willing but I choose!)” Samuel led us in singing “Glory, glory, hallelujah, glory, glory to the Lamb, for the cleansing blood has reached me, glory glory to the Lamb.”  The fellowship continues to meet bi-weekly in Baltimore, Maryland.

We stood in a big circle and sang “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love ….”   Dan Wenger, who had driven the bus from Landis Homes today offered the closing prayer and thanked God for the food we were about to eat. 

Response from persons locally and around the world that were invited to this meeting were printed on the back of the song sheet.  

Thanks to Becky Maust Kurtz and Deb Eger for serving a delicious lunch! And to Bruce & Norma Stauffer for opening the church today, and Martin Peifer for taking out the trash and closing the building. I feel like I may have forgotten to include someone’s testimony in today’s report.  If I did please forgive me.  I wasn't taking notes.

Wayne Lawton, reporter   

Photo attached of the Kenyan's singing that Jesus is the Water of Life !

Kenyan's Sing of The Water of Life 041313 004.JPG

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dan and Catherine Longenecker

You are invited to hear Dan & Catherine Longenecker tell some Bible stories from their hearts. They will speak at the Revival Fellowship meeting on Saturday, April 13, 2013. It is held in the fellowship hall of the Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 100 Quarry Road, Leola, Pennsylvania 17540. The meeting begins with worship in song at 10 a.m. and there is a noon meal for $6.

Dan & Catherine Longenecker  are part of the Network of Bible Story Tellers, International. This organization emphasizes telling Bible stories with emotion and drama - to capture what the writers had in mind. It involves internalization of the stories being told so that listeners are captivated and inspired. As they tell the stories from their hearts you hear more than someone quoting or reading the Bible to you. It actually keeps you awake (smile) !  

They will also share testimony of how this inter-denominational revival fellowship  - which was formed when missionaries from Africa returned with revived faith in Christ - ministered to them. Dan and Catherine have been involved in ordained pastoral ministry and chaplaincy in Pennsylvania, Oregon, New Jersey and Virginia. Dan grew up in Middletown, PA. Catherine grew up in Manheim, PA. They now live at Landis Homes in Lititz, PA

For more information you may call Wayne & Mary Lou Lawton in Elizabethtown 717-361-8990 
or Paul & Miriam Burkholder in Lititz  717-581-3964 
or Tom & Sheila Hess in Harrisburg 717-756-7921

For directions to the meeting check Mapquest.

Report of January 5, 2013 meeting at Forest Hills.

We gathered on Saturday, January 5, 2013 and sang “Another year is dawning, dear Father let it be, in working or in waiting, another year for Thee” and “Lead me, guide me, along the way “ a good prayer and lively spiritual by Doris Akers.

     After prayer Bill Scott spoke from Psalm 46 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear . . . “. It wasn't only the words Bill spoke but the way he spoke them – you could sense the presence of the Lord in his life and that God is trust-worthy in every situation. “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Bill then commented on the wonderful heritage of this fellowship. He was ready to leave the ministry because he felt so frustrated and inadequate but God spoke to him [through Roy Hession] the word about Saul being rejected as king of Israel because someone “better than thou” has been chosen. Bill saw that in his ministry God had chosen Jesus to replace him. This ‘death to the self’ resulted in new life for Bill and he spent the next 45 years in fruitful ministry. Bill didn't mention that he and his wife Marian had raised seven children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and God has used them in spreading the gospel around the world. Bill read an excerpt from a letter Herbert & Erma Maust had sent in 1975. The thing that thrilled Erma was seeing people set free as a result of being challenged and helped to pray honestly, “Lord, I am not willing [a confession of the sin of unwillingness and the cleansing that takes place instantly] but I choose to do your will [the response of faith after being cleansed] !

     Then Gloria Scott , daughter of Bill & Marian, spoke. She has been serving in scripture translation with Wycliffe, in Burkina Faso, Africa for the past 20 years. Gloria had prepared  and interesting fact sheet with colorful photos. She gave some power point illustrations of the persons and work God is helping her to do.  Gloria spoke about Elijah and the miracles that God helped him to perform. After the miracle at Mount Carmel (where the fire fell) Elijah became depressed and wanted to retire – he prayed that God would take him. (Gloria thinks that some in this fellowship may think it’s time to retire.)  But God was not finished with Elijah. He sent angels to feed him and he got some rest. God rebuked him for self-pity (he thought he was the only faithful one left). And God sent Elijah back in to ministry and miracle after miracle took place – all this after he had recovered from ‘giving up’ !

     There were some encouraging responses to this Word. Samuel Muikia sang the “Glory Song” in Kiswahili and Luganda and English. Testimonies were shared by the Lawton’s, John Maust,  Marlin Fahnestock, Jane Njenga, Joanne Reist, Lydiah Muikia, Linda Berry,  Becky Kurtz, Virgie Keener, Nancy Longenecker, Barbara Reed, Anna Ruth and Don Jacobs and Paul Burkholder. We realized that God has spoken today through His humble servants – and our zeal was renewed to keep on spreading this Word of His grace.

     Don Jacobs mentioned that some books he has written are available today: "What A Life" (a Memoir); "As The Wind Blows" ( Stories of his ancestry) and "Consider Jesus" ( a daily devotional from the book of Hebrews). 

     A delicious meal was served by Becky Maust Kurtz and Linda Berry.
                                                                                                    Wayne Lawton, reporter