Monday, September 23, 2013

October 5 Fellowship gathering

You are invited to hear the testimony of Johnson Kamau, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of Kenya, East Africa. He is a Christian Psychotherapist, Researcher and Writer. He is the founder of Joshua Mentoring & Counseling Ministry. He and his wife, Mary Njenga, live in Ephrata. PA. They have four children, ages  22, 18,  15,  9.  He will speak at the Revival Fellowship meeting on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at 10 a.m..   It will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the Forest Hills Mennonite Church, 100 Quarry Rd., Leola, PA 17540. There will be a luncheon at noon ($6).

The Revival Fellowship began in this area in the 1950's as a result of missionaries returning from East Africa with testimonies of renewed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is sometimes called "The Tukutendereza Fellowship" because that is the name of the Christian revival song of East Africa.

For more information about this meeting please call Wayne D. Lawton at 717-361-8990 in the Elizabethtown area, or  C. Thomas Hess at 717-756-7921 in the Harrisburg area, or Paul Burkholder at 717-581-3964 in the Lancaster area.