Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 8 meeting in a gentle snow

Report of the January 8, 2011 meeting. Some snow began to fall about 8:30 a.m. but it was a light snow and the roads remained clear and passable. Two car loads came from Baltimore, MD. Marlin & Rosie Givens arrived early from Palmyra. They led in music as we opened our time together. Rosie plays the accordion so beautifully. We sang “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand” and “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine”.

Eliud Muikia was introduced and he spoke. “I was a sinner. I was saved on June 13, 1967. Jesus came in to my life. I had just gotten married. I regret not serving the Lord earlier. The brethren in the revival fellowship helped me to put things right. I serve on a team that plans conventions in East Africa. We are planning one in Kigali, Rwanda so that brethren from Burundi will come. The Word from the team meeting last year was Jeremiah 2:2 “I remem-ber your earlier love”. This Word gets spread to all the smaller fellowships – so that we are all thinking along the same lines. In May 2010 we were in Gahini – where Joe Church lived. We were there to celebrate the great work God has done in the East Africa Revival.

Today let us look at the Word in John 12:20 The Greeks came to Philip and said, “Sir, we would see Jesus”. People will see Jesus if we are faithful. Jesus did not wait for me to be clean. He embraced me as I was. There was a man in Nakuru who had dressed for church. He left his house before his wife. As he walked across the yard the septic system gave way and he dropped into the muck of the septic system. Neighbors saw this and called for help. He was pulled out by firefighters – but he was a filthy mess – but when his wife, who was also dressed for church, came out the door and saw his rescue she threw her arms around him, just as he was! Such love ! The world is sunk into the septic pit. Faithful men are needed who can embrace them. If we are faithful the world can see Jesus in us. Boundaries were broken in the revival (racial, social boundaries) Now it seems they are building up again here with Kenya churches and Uganda churches separate from American churches. The fields are ripe. The Muslims are tired of a merciless god. I held a good position at work – but when I was saved I returned things I had taken – and risked losing my job – but God honored me. The world can see Jesus in us if we are being faithful to God.

Marlin & Rosie Givens again led us in songs and Rosie played a solo on her accordion. We sang the words with her playing “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me” – this was so appropriate after Eliud’s word on “seeing Jesus” . Marlin then spoke “God answers prayer. My first wife died in 2006. I continued in Bible reading and prayer but I began to feel lonely, ‘Lord, I want a Christian lady, one who can help in ministry, who can play an instrument’. Then Rosie spoke “I was married for 40 years but my husband died in 1999. I remarried but my second husband died in 2005. I had a dog, Molly, and I loved her but I couldn’t carry on a conversation with her. I was feeling lonely on my Ohio farm and began praying for a husband, a minister or a even a missionary. I was ready for a change”. Marlin spoke “I was praying but felt God wanted me to take some steps toward them being answered. Someone said “God doesn’t move parked cars”. My brother suggested that I look at e-harmony –a Christian Internet website. They ask for your priorities. I wanted to serve the Lord, help others, and minister in music”. Rosie spoke “I contacted e-harmony but most of the men were in their 80’s or 90’s. My priorities were God first, then finding someone younger than me. Then Marlin’s name was given – and he was younger than me – and he wanted a wife who could play the accordion.”

They began to talk on the phone – they liked many of the same things – it was amazing. They prayed together over the phone. Then they met. Marlin stayed in a motel for 2 weeks. He thought Rosie was beautiful and he really liked her and they had so much in common, he said “‘Let’s go’ - you know how men are”. Rosie said “‘You know how women are’ – give me some time”. It wasn’t easy to leave her home of 49 years – and Marlin did not want to move. Rosie said, “The story of Ruth comforted me – she left her homeland to go with Naomi”. When Rosie visited Marlin she just loved Pennsylvania – the mountains and sight-seeing. On Sept. 28, 07 they were married in Rosie’s church in Ohio. They love living together at Lebanon Valley Brethren Home – and they minister each week in Joyful Sounds on Fri. and Scripture & Song on Sundays.

Becky Maust Kurtz introduced Ernie Lightner from Canton, Ohio. They had met at Becky’s church here and fallen in love and they are now engaged. Ernie said, “If you need a companion it’s obvious… Ohio is a good place to find one.” Ernie led us in “Lord I lift your name on high” and accompanied on his guitar.

These reports can only touch the ‘tip of the iceberg’ so to speak. So much is shared with feeling and emotion – and it’s hard to capture and pass on the joy of a fellowship meeting. But we had joy! After the noon meal (pre-pared by Becky) there was more sharing. David & Grace Shenk shared about their time in China. Millions of be-lievers are in the underground church in China. Grace spoke at a womens meeting and led a lady to personal faith in Christ. Tom & Janice Hess shared a situation that had required great patience. Tom wasn’t so assured he was patient – but Janice testified “Yes, he was” and she was praising the Lord for seeing Jesus in her husband. Wayne Lawton shared how God had changed his attitude about having dogs come with their family for Christmas – and also how God cleansed him of a self-righteous spirit.